Применение искинов - шоссе империализма (Стенгазета русификаторов ИТ)

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2011, Luc Steels, Design Patterns in Fluid Construction Grammar (FCG)

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2011, Luc Steels, Design Patterns in Fluid Construction Grammar (FCG), 345 страниц
   книга для изучения (там ещё вторая часть есть, но начинать рекомендуют с этой)

«it wants to provide sufficient information to computational linguists and computer scientists so that they can understand the main ideas and the status of the implementation»

«FCG is not intended to displace existing linguistic proposals for construction grammar, such as those made by (Goldberg, 1995, 2006; Croft, 2001; Kay & Fillmore, 1999; Michaelis & Lambrecht, 1996), a.o. These proposals usually stay at the level of non-formal verbal descriptions and do not take into account processing issues»

«FCG does not make any claims about psychological validity»

Другими словами, FCG - это первая работающая открытая реализация движка для грамматик зависимостей (всё что было до этого - это псевдонаука и заметки-на-память).

Отредактировано Лис (2019-11-25 05:13:48)



«language is an inferential coding system (Sperber & Wilson, 1995). ... language speakers never produce sentences that they would not be able to understand themselves. They constantly monitor and possibly correct or improve their own utterances while they are speaking.»

«Language is constantly changing, shows a lot of variation and exhibits a high degree of flexibility in the way it is used in actual discourse.»

«Language users break linguistic conventions as fast as they invent them in order to increase the expressive power of their language for the purpose of dealing with new meanings or for catching the attention of the listener with novel phrases.»

«Undeniably, there is huge variation in language, even among those speaking the same language, and even in the language use of a single individual as he or she is switching between different contexts and interacting between members of different social groups. Formal and computational approaches to language should not ignore these facts, but instead take the challenge of dealing with the ‘fluidic’ nature of language as one of its objectives. This is what Fluid Construction Grammar tries to do.»

«An insight from empirical linguistic research is that constructions are constantly on the move. New constructions appear, old ones may change or disappear, which is obviously the case for lexical constructions, with new words popping up, words shifting and expanding their meaning or becoming more restricted, and other words disappearing. The same happens for grammatical constructions, such that a language can have no articles (as in Latin), but its descendants, in this case French, Italian, Spanish, all have it.»
    (Тут ещё можно вспомнить, что в церковнославянском не было деепричастий, а теперь они есть)
Синтаксические категории тоже меняются.

«Even within the course of a single conversation, a new construction may come up, either because a speaker needs to stretch the meanings of existing words or the usage  pattern of known grammatical constructions, in order to express new shades of meaning, or to capture the attention of the hearer in a novel, hence more forceful, way. This novel use may then be picked up by the hearer and possibly start to propagate further in the population, or it may die immediately, never to be used again»

«a real language does of course not care much about divisions in academic disciplines»
«in fact it is almost impossible to find a usage pattern in a human language that can be defined purely based on syntactic criteria.»
«construction can involve any aspect of language and package it together in one usage pattern.»

Очень душевно на пятой странице рассматриваемые вопросы записаны в виде вопросов. Я бы пошел к ним учиться, если бы я о них знал раньше. А у нас "работа должна быть выдержана в повествовательном ключе", тьфу!

Отредактировано Лис (2019-11-25 20:32:21)



«in many languages, the specific roles of the participants in an event introduced by a verb are categorized in terms of abstract semantic»

«There is a continuum between semantic and syntactic categorizations, because many syntactic categories (such as gender) originally go back to semantic distinctions or functions that have progressively become purely syntactic so that they need to be learned by heart.»

«It is not easy to estimate the number of constructions in a language because it depends on the ‘grain size’ of analysis. As a rough estimate, a normal adult speaker probably knows at least 100,000 constructions. 10,000 or more of these are ‘abstract’ grammatical constructions whereas most of them are lexical.»

«Translating the intuitions of construction grammar into a system that is both formal and computationally effective is far from easy.»

«for realistic grammars, there are too many possibilities so that the search space becomes very large. Just assuming that search will do the job is not a viable approach to explain why human language processing is so fast.»

Отредактировано Лис (2019-11-25 20:54:22)



«Some researchers argue that the number is much higher because language users store rich, ready-made solutions, even if they can be derived from more abstract constructions. This approach, hence, leans towards memory-based or exemplar-based approaches to language processing (Daelemans & Van den Bosch, 2005), which contrasts with the more abstract grammars often proposed in the generative literature. Storing ready-made solutions makes processing faster and explains why so many idiosyncracies exist in language, including idiomatic expressions. If only abstract constructions are stored, they would always take priority over specifics and idiomatic expressions would disappear.»



«A language may have a rich set of determiners for indicating the access status of the referents of a nominal phrase (as in English) or lack determiners altogether (as in many Slavic languages).»



«If enough of a construction fits with the current context to be confident that it should apply, it can supply information in a top-down manner about the missing or errorful elements and enable further processing.»

«The reversibility principle has been an important goal of computational linguistics for a long time and was one of the primary motivations for unification based grammars (Kay, 1986).»

«Once constructions are bi-directional it becomes possible to constantly move back and forth between parsing and production: when a sentence is being produced, the FCG-interpreter can monitor progress by constantly re-entering the structures already produced using its repertoire of constructions and parsing them. Conversely, when a sentence is being parsed, the FCG-interpreter can fill in gaps of missing elements or fix errors by switching to a production mode in which the partial structures already derived from the input are expanded by the reverse application of constructions.»

Отредактировано Лис (2019-11-25 20:28:12)



«There are many ways to implement these facilities, depending on what representational and computational mechanisms are adopted as underlying foundation.»

«FCG-system is embedded within a contemporary Common LISP-based programming environment»

«constructions take the same form as transient structures with units, features and values»
«there is no formal distinction in FCG between different types of constructions, whether they are grammatical or lexical, or whether they are very abstract or item-based.»

«matching operation, which is easier and faster than the full merging operation, which is done only when the first check succeeded. ... this division of labor is an important instrument for making construction application more efficient.»

«There is often a need to prevent a construction from being considered, either because it has already been applied, or there are more specific constructions which have already done their job and so it is no longer necessary to apply more general constructions. FCG uses footprints to deal with these issues. Footprints are markers which are added by a construction when it has been able to apply. Constructions can then test for the presence of these footprints and thus quickly determine whether it make sense to try those constructions.»

«construction sets»
«construction networks»

(у меня возникает ощущение, что в области знаний про "экспертные системы" всё устроено примерно как-то так же. Там тоже правила вывода, которые применяются, сопоставляются, группируются. Но уверен, что там своя, не совпадающая терминология, и вместо слова "конструкции" используется какое-то другое, например "правило" (rule) )

Отредактировано Лис (2019-11-25 20:51:57)



«each construction has an associated score (in line with earlier proposals, by Jurafsky (1998), a.o.).
scores are assumed to reflect success in communication rather than frequency.»

«A meta-layer at which diagnostics are run and repair strategies possibly triggered. Diagnostics test for example whether all words in the input could be integrated into the sentence as a whole, or whether all the meaning that the speaker wanted to express are actually part of the final utterance. Repair strategies then try to fix this situation, possibly by ignoring some of the input»

(чем дальше читаю, тем больше это похоже на "как научить лингвистов программировать не используя терминологию из программирования", сложность описания всё растёт и растёт)



«These units are initially empty, but when constructions start to trigger, they begin to fill in aspects of the unknown word thanks to the rest of the context, up to a point where it is sometimes possible to actually reconstruct the word form, particularly if the FCG-system is embedded in a more encompassing language system that has also strong semantic capacities. In case the word is unknown, this process leads to strong hypotheses about what a missing construction should look like.»

«FCG-variables are denoted by putting a question-mark in front of the variable name, as in "?unit" or "?tense" .»

Отредактировано Лис (2019-11-28 06:41:17)



«What is undoubtedly less common is the way FCG builds and manipulates hierarchical structures, which is done with a single powerful structure-building operator, known as the J-operator.»

«the J-operator is the main primitive for building hierarchical structure.»

«The J-operator is a very powerful structure building operator. It can create new units, build and reorganize the hierarchical structure, and add information to existing or new units. It is the only structural operator used in FCG.»

«The J-operator has three arguments and performs two functions. The arguments are: a daughter-unit, a parent-unit, and possibly a set of pending-subunits.  These are either specified with concrete names or with variables that have been bound elsewhere in the matching or merging process. When the daughter-unit is an unbound variable at the time of merging, a new unit will be created for it. The first function of the J-operator is to hang the daughter-unit from the parent-unit by changing the value of the syn-subunits or sem-subunits slot of the parent-unit. If there are pending-subunits, these will then be attached from the daughter-unit.»

Отредактировано Лис (2019-11-28 09:11:43)



Читая эту книжку, я впервые понял, зачем нужна "прагматика". До этого у меня про неё были совсем другие фантазии,
и я никак не мог понять, чем прагматика отличается от семантики.



Лис написал(а):

Читая эту книжку, я впервые понял, зачем нужна "прагматика". До этого у меня про неё были совсем другие фантазии,
и я никак не мог понять, чем прагматика отличается от семантики.

Так может и написать чем.

Отредактировано MihalNik (2019-11-28 06:46:58)



MihalNik написал(а):

Так может и написать чем.

Так в книжке написано. Цель этого топика обсудить содержимое книжки, а не написать свою (для этого по-моему был другой топик или даже несколько).



«Goal tests check whether the resulting transient structure is desirable and, when this is not the case, instructs the processor to backtrack to an intermediary transient structure to which other constructions apply, possibly leading to a desirable final transient structure. If all possible hypotheses have been explored and still no desirable transient structure has been reached, the entire application process fails.»