«language is an inferential coding system (Sperber & Wilson, 1995). ... language speakers never produce sentences that they would not be able to understand themselves. They constantly monitor and possibly correct or improve their own utterances while they are speaking.»
«Language is constantly changing, shows a lot of variation and exhibits a high degree of flexibility in the way it is used in actual discourse.»
«Language users break linguistic conventions as fast as they invent them in order to increase the expressive power of their language for the purpose of dealing with new meanings or for catching the attention of the listener with novel phrases.»
«Undeniably, there is huge variation in language, even among those speaking the same language, and even in the language use of a single individual as he or she is switching between different contexts and interacting between members of different social groups. Formal and computational approaches to language should not ignore these facts, but instead take the challenge of dealing with the ‘fluidic’ nature of language as one of its objectives. This is what Fluid Construction Grammar tries to do.»
«An insight from empirical linguistic research is that constructions are constantly on the move. New constructions appear, old ones may change or disappear, which is obviously the case for lexical constructions, with new words popping up, words shifting and expanding their meaning or becoming more restricted, and other words disappearing. The same happens for grammatical constructions, such that a language can have no articles (as in Latin), but its descendants, in this case French, Italian, Spanish, all have it.»
(Тут ещё можно вспомнить, что в церковнославянском не было деепричастий, а теперь они есть)
Синтаксические категории тоже меняются.
«Even within the course of a single conversation, a new construction may come up, either because a speaker needs to stretch the meanings of existing words or the usage pattern of known grammatical constructions, in order to express new shades of meaning, or to capture the attention of the hearer in a novel, hence more forceful, way. This novel use may then be picked up by the hearer and possibly start to propagate further in the population, or it may die immediately, never to be used again»
«a real language does of course not care much about divisions in academic disciplines»
«in fact it is almost impossible to find a usage pattern in a human language that can be defined purely based on syntactic criteria.»
«construction can involve any aspect of language and package it together in one usage pattern.»
Очень душевно на пятой странице рассматриваемые вопросы записаны в виде вопросов. Я бы пошел к ним учиться, если бы я о них знал раньше. А у нас "работа должна быть выдержана в повествовательном ключе", тьфу!
Отредактировано Лис (2019-11-25 20:32:21)