«FreeWHA is maintained by volunteers »
«backlink to our site is automatically inserted after some time and trying to hide our ads is not fair!»
«php mail() is no longer enabled for free users»
«only accept public websites with real and quality web content»
«Do not install unlicensed scripts, e.g. nulled vBulletin, IPB etc»
«Private or testing websites (password-protected without public web content) are not allowed for free hosting»
«No politics, no propaganda, no personal disputes»
«Any free account with a large amount of data (100MB+) needs at least 1 visit per day, else it may be closed»
«All sites must have a relevant index file on root»
«we won't sell your data (e.g. email) to third party agencies»
$1/month, if you want to run your private project or test your personal scripts
«Suspended accounts can be reinstated ONLY if you pay a penalty fee»