… ldi19a.pdf … chitecture
[26] Sandeep Dasgupta. 2018. Semantics of x86-64 in K.
2017-06-08, Dasgupta & Park & Kasampalis & Adve & Roşu, A Complete Formal Semantics of x86-64 User-Level Instruction Set Architecture
«We present the most complete formal semantics of x86-64 to date.»
«This totals 3155 instruction variants, corresponding to 774 mnemonics.
The semantics is fully executable and has been tested against more than 7,000 instruction-level test cases and the GCC torture test suite.»
«This extensive testing paid off, revealing bugs in both the x86-64 reference manual and other existing semantics.»
«We found errors in both the x86-64 standard document and other existing semantics including the baseline semantics (Section 4).»
Это тем, кто не любит "доказательное программирование". Реальный факт - у них наука развивается
(и было это 7 лет назад, когда мы обсуждали - делать ассемблер или нет, у них пятеро бойцов делали (даже немного раньше)).
«The entire implementation took 8 man-months, with the lead author having prior experience in binary decompilation and strong familiarity with the x86-64 architecture and documentation.»
«the roughly 5200 rules that we defined to model the entire semantics.»
«Each rule is 17 LOC on average, and the total size is 15 KB of text.»
Отредактировано Лис (2024-08-24 07:12:02)